If these two aspects sound grim, that is because they are what leads us to the desperation, futility and hopelessness that we feel while we are in the throes of the disease. We are either drinking, or we are thinking about drinking. Either way, we have no positive results.
O.K. So how do not provide any evidence which the cop will use to arrest you? Simple. Use your right to remain silent. That's right. You have the right to remain silent, even before you are arrested, so use it. Don't be difficult or hostile. Be polite and respectful. But you're also going to have to be firm. The cops will do everything they can to get you to talk and provide information. Resist it. Simply tell them that your attorney has advised you not to answer any questions unless he is present. Be
alcoholics anonymous club and be firm, and you'll be way ahead of the game.
For many "hopeless" alcoholics around the world this message is literally a lifeline that has the potential to save their lives, restore them to sanity, and allow them to be happy, joyous and free.
To stop drinking for good, you need to change different aspects of your life. It will not be enough to just quit drinking. You have to make sure that you do not relapse and you can do many different things to accomplish that. The first thing you can do is to find the help you need, in the form of friends, family, and discussion groups like alcoholics anonymous.
By going to groups like these, you are connecting with others that have your problem and sharing things that you have problems telling other people in your life. It gives you a safe place to come and confide your worst fears along with your brightest hopes and dreams for the future. Millions of people have found great success using these groups, but you have to make sure that they aren't your only form of support.
One of the most common causes of drunk driving is the trouble in recognizing the intensity of your impairment after drinking a generous amount of alcohol. Nobody can really tell you just how drunk you are if everybody's having a good time just like you. Alcohol can set your reflexes back and weakens your reasoning power by tricking you into believing you are still perfectly able to drive and that your motor skills are unaltered.
For a long time Sam argued that he did not have a drinking problem because he drank only beer and it was only on weekends. After his first impaired driving charge, he admitted he may be an alcoholic. He has subsequently tried to stop drinking alcohol a number of times, but the pattern continues. His family wants him to go to an alcohol rehab facility, but Sam still insists that he will handle the problem on his own. Can he do it?
Since that time, my client has been in control of his drinking. He may or may not have the occasional glass of wine, but it is with full conscious choice and intention. So, the drinking is no longer a problem.
Sadly, some alcoholics take their drinking into an early grave with them and never manage to plug the jug. But there are many too who decide to get a grip of their problem, but this only usually occurs after hitting the depths of despair. Every alcoholic's perception of a 'rock bottom' is different. For some, it only comes when they have lost everything, i.e. wife, family, home, car, job etc. For others, it might be associated with poor health issues. The remainder might simply be those who reach a point in their life where they become absolutely sick and tired of being sick and tired.
The AA message is simple. They inform the new member that when it comes down to alcohol, he is powerless to stop drinking on his own. There's nothing starling about that information of course! After all, if the alcoholic could stop drinking on his own resources, then he wouldn't need the help and support of AA, right? So if the problem is powerlessness, then the solution is power. The literature of AA and its 12 step program of recovery is based around finding that power, and it is here where the problem comes in for many new to recovery.